Here are a few details concerning Playing Formats, Times, and Dimensions.

Playing Formats / Times / Dimensions…

Duration of Matches 

Matches shall be played to the following durations:

Under 7 & 8 – 20 minutes each half

Under 9 & 10 – 25 minutes each half

Under 11 & 12 – 30 minutes each half

Under 13 & 14 – 35 minutes each half

Under 15 & 16 – 40 minutes each half

Under 17 & 18 – 45 minutes each half

The Referee has the authority to reduce the duration time played by 10 minutes each way due to inclement weather or where the elements may reduce the light to complete League or Cup fixtures. Both teams’ managers to be informed before kick-off.

Extra Time – Knock-out cups & Play-off matches 


If the scores are equal after normal time, penalties shall be taken in accordance with F.I.F.A. Rules to decide the winner .

In the under 7 to under 11 age group Trophy Events Finals if the scores are still equal after extra time there shall be no penalties.

The Cup will be shared equally by the two finalists.

In the under 12 to under 18 age group Cup-Finals if the scores are still equal after normal time there shall be penalty kicks in accordance with F.I.F.A. Rules to decide the winner.

Maximum Playing Time 

The FA sets out maximum lengths of time a player can play in any one day as follows:

Under 7 & 8 – 40 minutes per day (60 mins if tournaments and trophy events / festivals)

Under 9 & 10 – 60 minutes per day (90 mins if tournaments and trophy events / festivals)

Under 11 & 12 – 80 minutes per day (120 mins if tournaments and trophy events / festivals)

Under 13 to 16 – 100 minutes per day (150 mins if tournaments and trophy events / festivals)

Under 17 to 18 – 120 minutes per day (180 mins if tournaments and trophy events / festivals)

It is the responsiblity of the parent/carer or organisation to ensure the child does not exceed this.

Match Balls 

Should be safe and made of leather or another suitable material.

Recommended sizes are as follows:

Under 7 to 9 – size 3

Under 10 to 14 – size 4

Under 15 & over – size 5

Please advise the Referees Secretary if the home team fails to provide a satisfactory match ball, nets or flag posts.

Goal Sizes 

Age GroupFormatGoal Size
U7 & U85v512ft x 6ft
U9 & U107v712ft x 6ft
U11 & U129v916ft x 7ft (21ft x 7ft permitted)
U13 & U1411v1121ft x 7ft (24ft x 8ft permitted)
U15 to U1811v1124ft x 8ft

Pitch Sizes 

Age GroupFormatmax lengthmin lengthmax widthmin width
U7 & U85v540yds30yds30yds20yds
U9 & U107v760yds50yds40yds30yds
U11 & U129v980yds70yds50yds40yds
U13 & U1411v11100yds90yds60yds50yds
U15 & U1611v11110yds90yds70yds50yds
U17 & U1811v11130yds100yds100yds50yds